Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Plant & Maintenance Engineering

What does it mean by Plant & Maintenance Engineering?
How a Plant & Maintenance Engineering Department works in reality?
What is necessity of having an engineering department for a production plant?

The presentation describes few interesting features.
Plant Maintenance Engineering

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Walking alone through lonely streets
Found the twinkle walking with me
….on a moonlit night.

After years of solitary happiness,
The joy of youth poured inside me…..
Found the passion of togetherness.

The glitter of little twinkle, enlighten me
Started sparkling around, forever
To make me happy, submitting on her knee.

Time Management: To Do List

Manage Your Time Effectively
By Nirjhar Chakravorti
(an Inspiration Series Essay)

Many a times, we found that we have lots of things to do throughout the day. But we really can't keep track of the works and end up with missing many important tasks which we supposed to complete in that particular day! Many of the unaccomplished tasks cause various short and long term losses as well. Why it happens? Our forgetfulness is the reason? Honestly we can't blame our memory, because brain is not to remember only to dos, rather brain has various other things to do as well. The reason for forgetting important task may be result of our unstructured or lack of planning. If we are little organized, our days will be more fruitful and satisfying.

How we can be organized?

First and most important thing we can do is to preparing daily To Do List. It helps us to identify the work to be accomplished in a day, priorities, etc. Also if any task remains unaccomplished, it becomes well noticed. We can complete the task in following days or prepare some contingency plan.

Who can do To Do List?

The answer is simple. Anyone! Yes, anyone, irrespective of age and profession. The only important thing is your attitude towards positivity and life.

When to do the To Do List?

It's always better to write the To Do list at night and plan next day before going to bed. If you fail to prepare the list at night, then write it at the earliest possible time of the day.

How to do To Do List?

It's better to have a small notebook/ diary.
On a page, please write Date at top right or left, for which you are preparing the To Do List.
After that write To Do List at left side with underline.

Then think of the activities you have to do or you want to do and write down one by one with serial number. Whatever activities come in your mind, just write down. Don't think about the importance of the task or priority of the task. If you feel you have to do the task, then must write it. Except few normal daily work which you do without fail, like breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc, you can write down all tasks. The task may be small one, but if it's essential, then you must write it down. Example, if you have to call a friend for two minutes to enquire about the college timing after long holiday, then it must appear in the To Do List.

Don't make very hectic plan everyday. Keep some gap in activities so that you can have comfortable day. Also in case any emergency task arrives, you can do that in intermediate free time as much as possible.

How to Prioritize Activities in To Do List?

It is a very important area which needs to be emphasized. After writing tasks, now you have to prioritize them. Make an additional column to put priority against each item. Your sense of prioritization defines your futuristic prospect of life. For daily To Do List, you can apply your own judgment and prioritize tasks. While prioritizing, you have to be logical and rational. In general, you must give priority to the things which are directly related to your earning, career, profession, education and of course family, true friends and true people. Rests should be considered as non-priority items. Keep some time for any hobby like painting, recitation, poetry, sports, fitness training, reading value based books which never promote any hidden agenda like religion, racism or radical thoughts having potential to create difference in society.

Never mislead by wrong concepts and wrong people with hidden interests while prioritizing your tasks. If someone talks good and says the words you want to hear it doesn't mean that he or she is a person with good intention. Always remember that drugs have power to pull you, but it doesn't mean that you will end up in taking drugs. It's true for all negative forces. Any negative force has hidden power of attraction. Be strong and courageous to avoid negative tasks and negative people from life. We all are intelligent, so we must use our intelligence to understand people's mind and importance of the task in broader perspective while prioritizing tasks and people in life. Why I'm stressing on people? Because, being a social species, we always interact with many people and our daily tasks are some or other way driven and motivated by people only.

Always give importance to have contact with good people without any hidden agenda in life, perform important tasks like paying your bills regularly, learn some subjects which can help you for establishing yourself as an professional, involve in activities which can help you professionally, perform tasks through which all human being get served without any sense of division amongst anyone. If you are fighting your life every day for earning money, then don't waste time by teach subjects which has no value for professional growth, like any language of no professional value or religious books whose basic intention is to camouflage wrong intentions with good words. While prioritizing emphasize on performing value based tasks and learning subjects which has relation to science, technology and/ or commerce, true arts, human values in true sense. The bottom line is to be logical and to prioritize your tasks keeping larger perspective of life. Your everyday is important, so add value in everyday's life by proper utilization of To Do List.

When to do a task?

After prioritization, put tentative time to perform each task in a new column. Be realistic in putting the task timing. If you feel that you have taken too many tasks in a day, which you can never perform then re-do the list with practical approach. You can stretch the working hours of the day little bit as well. You may outsource few tasks to others to perform if your resources permit.

Be confident.

Once you prioritize your daily tasks, then be confident and determined that you'll follow that list next day. Now as the day progress, start doing things as per list. Try to tick task once it's accomplished.

Be Realistic.

Remember, in a day, you'll not be able to do all the tasks as per the list, because life is full of uncertainties. Every time new unplanned and unexpected tasks and challenges will come to you which you have to attend. In a day, if you can accomplish 70% task from To Do List, then it's a great achievement. If any new task or activity added in any day, just ask yourself whether you really need to attend the same deviating your To Do planning. If you feel that the unexpected new task is really important, then please do, otherwise, keep the task for any other day. After end of the day, just check how many tasks accomplished in a day and how many tasks left.

Be futuristic.

After analyzing the day's task, make plan for the next day. After a week of spend, please review how you spend the week on daily basis with respect to To Do Lists. If you find, everyday you have failed to attend more than 50% tasks from To Do Lists, then there is possibility that you are doing some mistake in planning. You may planning for lots of work to do which is unrealistic, or you may be missing activities to do in totality, or you are doing some error in prioritizing, or you are not serious to follow To Do List, or any other planning related issues. So you may be bit careful or serious to prepare and follow To Do List in next time.

Don't think much.

Just prepare To Do List tonight and try to spend tomorrow as per the list. Try for 3-4 days. If you feel that it's really a good thing, then continue with To Do List. Be sure, if you can follow To Do List consistently for two months, then definitely you'll be able to understand that your days become much easier, life become more organized and positive.

All the best.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Can Language Be Classified As Religion?

Linguistic Religion
by Nirjhar Chakravorti

Can language be termed as a kind of religion if we go by the logic that religion is a particular way of life which drive human being to club together to practice common rituals and live life with some common minimum understanding?

Even though language doesn't call for practicing any ritual, but it has a strong power to bring a group of people under a common platform and act together. If we see closely, we'll found most of the nations, states or sub states have been built based on language only (ofcourse there are other background as well for formation of many states). So language, even though it's purpose is different, but has lots of features what religion demands. One very contradictory fact can be interestingly observed about language and its effect on human life. In one way, language helps people to communicate and come close to each other; but at the same time, in contrary, it creates gap between people in broader sense and encourage people to disintegrate on larger scale!

Language is a medium to walk through a hidden knowledge reservoir generated by socio - cultural evolution of human survival in a particular region. Nowadays, scientists are worried for the extinction of some of the languages, particularly the languages of Australian tribes for the reason that with the languages their knowledge kingdom also will have a natural death.  In a simple way, we can say that language is a part of a bigger socio - cultural heritage.

Before monolithic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) surfaced on earth, people had their god or goddess of their own choices. For example, Greece had many gods (like Poseidon,  Apollo etc) before Christianity swept away all of them. In Roman Bath, UK there are temple of Goddess Aqua Sulis, who had devotees before Christ. Olympic game (taken from Mycenae culture) remains till today as a cultural heritage taken from them. Therefore, the religion changes but culture remains. It is said that in case of Muslims in Bengali community, as a whole, you will find most of them converted to Islam under the threats and oppression of Upper Caste people or in some cases may be by influence or pressure from Muslim rulers. So, they have changed their belief on god from one form to another. But their socio-cultural behavior largely remains the same. In villages in Bengal, many cultures, language and many other customs are same as before. For example, in Sundarban, there is a god - "Bonbibi" for all cutting across the barrier of caste, creed and religion. It represents the common cultural practices and rituals of the people who inhibit within a certain geographical diameter and speak a common language. More interesting observations on linguistic rituals are found amongst the Bengali speaking people. Bengali is a very unique language which has few distinct characteristics. Bengali is spoken by people of two neighbouring countries. Bengali is national language of Bangladesh which fought it's freedom based on linguistic identity only and got separated from Pakistan in 1972 by sacrificing life of freedom fighters. During the time when British left India, present Bangladesh became part of Pakistan as majority of the people in the demography were Muslim and the division of India and Pakistan happened based on religious majority basis where Pakistan was formed with people who followed Islam whereas India was a Hindu major country even though India was successful to retain a secular identify. The official language of the states of India, like West Bengal and Tripura is Bengali where majority of people is Hindu. But still this vast geography of West Bengal, Bangladesh and Tripura follow few common days with same spirit like Bengali New Year Day, Birthday of Nobel Laureate Poet Rabindranath Tagore, etc despite of political, religious and other differences. Here language become a predominant force to bring people of varied interests under a common umbrella and encourage them to follow few unique rituals which is purely based on linguist identify.

These are few examples which call for deeper insight in linguistic identity of people and power of language to bring people in a common platform by practicing certain rituals.

Also, in this context another phenomenon to be considered this is changing linguistic behaviour of people of certain demography. For example, language of many Phillipines Island is Tagalog. However, with the growing catholic influence over the time and tendency of a vast majority of people to go out of country for seeking jobs, English is becoming more practiced language among a mass community. Even though Tagalog is still practiced widely, but English is also becoming popular amongst new generations. So it's a linguistic transformation of a vast demography which is an interesting subject to follow. The same tendency can be followed amongst the people of Wales where English is gaining more popularity amongst newer generation than practicing Welsh language. In India also, a certain portion of people started practicing English as major language than their mother tongue. Even with the growing influence of English there are cultural shift from traditional rituals to rituals followed by western countries. Even people of so-called Hindu or Buddhist or other religions started celebrating X-Mas with new spirit as ritual. Also the modus of birthday celebration with cakes and candles becoming part of culture in India which is neither part of Indian Sanskrit culture nor part of Hinduism nor Sikh nor any other prevailing religious school of India. So linguistic transformation of a community is also bringing change in behavioural pattern of the people which is interesting subject to study.

Thus there can be more discussion on effect of language on demography and whether language can be predominant identity of people than their so-called religious identity. It may in other word encourage people to treat language as a kind of religion which have potential to end up so-called craziness that is going to create new problems across the globe in everyday life. For example, there is constant threat of global terrorism which is encouraged by particular religion, which is a real damage to the human civilization. Also, there is pseudo war sponsored by certain religion which try to destroy the cultural fabric of the entire world by different means (starting from terrorism to so called appeal for peace in the name of religion whichever suits to a particular country or region) and globally impose medieval socio-cultural behavior of an under developed region. Most importantly sometimes extremists and terrorists are promoted as leader of the religious centers and get involved in religious teaching to misguide people by camouflaging about the intent of that religion. If linguistic based culture is promoted as religion, then these extremist attempts will not be successful as their will not be real need for so called religious leaders.  In the context of this discussion another interesting factor also needs to be evaluated which encourages linguistic or local extremism like problem of Northern Ireland, issues between Srilankan mainland inhabitants and Tamils, Outburst of Burmese population against Rohingya’s religious terrorists and their entire community, Voice of Catalonia, etc.
Also it needs to be studied more regarding reaction of so-called religious schools and their leaders if there is a conscious effort to promote linguistic and regional identity more predominantly as part of religion than so-called religious identity. Also, this concept of linguistic religion and its feasibility needs to be discussed and evaluated by different academic, global political and social platforms.